Fire Protection Services

Evacuation Plans, Block Plans
(Zone & Hydrant)

Essential Guide to Evacuation Diagrams for Workplace Safety

Fire Alarm Block Plans

Fire Alarm Block Plans, also referred to as zone block plans or fire detection block plans, are essential diagrams that clearly depict fire detection zones in alignment with the fire indicator panel.

According to AS1670.1 standards, each Fire Indicator Panel (FIP), Sub FIP, or Mimic Panel must be accompanied by a fire alarm block plan. These plans should contain the following information:

  • 1. Layout of the building
  • 2. Identification of each fire alarm zone
  • 3. Location of relevant fire panels, fire fan control panels, or emergency warning control panels
  • 4. Main Electrical Switchboard
  • 5. Notice stating ‘In the event of fire, ring 000 to ensure fire service response’
  • 6. Clear indication of ‘You Are Here,’ with the correct building orientation emphasized.

Evacuation Diagrams

Evacuation Diagrams are a crucial component of your workplace’s emergency evacuation plan and must be prominently displayed throughout the premises, as mandated by AS3745 – Planning for emergencies in facilities.

In accordance with AS3745–2010, evacuation diagrams should contain the following essential information:

  • 1 Validity dates
  • 2 Site address and the name of the facility, if applicable
  • 3 Symbol legend compliant with the diagram
  • 4 Clearly marked designated exit points within the building
  • 5 Evacuation routes delineated for clarity
  • 6 Location of first-attack fire equipment, such as extinguishers, fire blankets, and hose reels
  • 7 Emergency Assembly Area indicated either in words or pictorial representation
  • 8 Clear indication of the “You Are Here” location
  • Identification of the Fire Indicator Panel (FIP)

Fire Hydrant Block Plans

Fire hydrant block plans are essential diagrams that clearly outline the fire hydrants, isolation valves, and pertinent details regarding the fire hydrant system.

According to AS2419.1 standards, hydrant block plans must be installed at each hydrant booster assembly, pump room, and fire control room. These plans should incorporate the following details:

  • 1 Layout of the protected buildings or open yards and adjacent streets
  • 2 Identification of all hydrants, including external, internal, and street hydrants
  • 3 Specification of town mains size and location
  • 4 Location of the main Electrical Switchboard
  • 5 Identification of pumps, storage tanks, isolation valves, and booster assemblies
  • 6 Positioning of gas isolation valves and LPG tanks, if applicable
  • 7 Height of the highest hydrant above the booster
  • 8 Clear indication of “You Are Here” with the correct building orientation
  • 9 System specifications, including flow and pressure rates, as well as installation and modification details.

Fire Sprinkler Block Plans

Fire sprinkler block plans are essential diagrams that provide a clear representation of the fire sprinkler protected areas, stop valves, operating instructions, and other pertinent system details.

In accordance with AS2118.1 standards, sprinkler block plans must be installed at each set of installation control assemblies or group of valves. These plans should encompass the following information:

  • 1 Layout of the protected buildings or open yards and adjacent streets
  • 2 Positioning of pumps, storage tanks, isolation valves, test valves, and booster assemblies
  • 3 Specification of town mains size and location
  • 4 Details of the local fire station
  • 5 Identification of replacement sprinkler locations
  • 6 Height of the highest sprinkler above the alarm valve
  • 7 Emergency Operating Instructions
  • 8 Hazard class and design density for the protected area
  • 9 Clear indication of “You Are Here” with the correct building orientation
  • 10 System specifications, including flow and pressure rates, as well as installation and modification details.